Earn Money by Promoting EyeEmbrace.com
Partner up with EyeEmbrace.com and earn commissions on every qualified sale you refer to EyeEmbrace.com.
It is a simple process, and the more customers you have purchase - the more you earn!
You may apply to become an affiliate by clicking this link and signing up at Goaffpro.
Goaffpro will give you a unique affiliate link. Share this link with your followers and add the link to your website. Any followers or website viewers that click the link will be sent to EyeEmbrace.com to shop.
We are open to partnering with almost all partner models and mediums. We do reserve the right to refuse any site or platform that does not meet our quality and content standards.
We work with Goaffpro.com to facilitate our tracking, reporting, and payment. Goaffpro provides you with tracking to add to your site. When a visitor clicks the affiliate link on your site and makes a purchase, Goaffpro records that order. Goaffpro then grants you commissions on all new customer orders that occur within your cookie window.
EyeEmbrace pays commissions monthly. You are responsible for any taxes associated with commission fees.
As an affiliate, you will earn a commission when any of your followers visit our store using your referral link and makes a purchase. Goaffpro tracks affiliate link clicks and revenue generated on EyeEmbrace.com and calculates the appropriate commission.